Should your card payment fail, you will receive an error message.
Below is a list of a few of them and what action is needed by you:
1.Transaction declined by authorization system:
Your bank has declined the transaction.
Reasons for this could be:
The card was reported stolen,
Your bank’s internal risk settings flag and reject the transaction,
There are insufficient funds
Action to take - contact your bank to resolve.
2. Risk Management Timeout:
This happens when the customer abandons the 3DSecure page (leaves the page without entering their OTP) then the 3DSecure window expires
Action to take - retry payment and complete the 3DSecure process
3. Communication Error
Afristay's payment system is down.
Action to take - Pls notify Afristay on
4. Technical Error in 3DSecure system
This error is caused by a technical error in the 3DSecure workflow.
Action to take - retry payment