Booking: This is a confirmed booking where a host has sent you the offer and you have made payment
Booking request: This is when you have made an enquiry at an establishment, the host has sent the offer and no payment has been made from you for this booking request.
How to cancel my booking request/confirmed booking:
- Login to your profile on the Afristay site
- Once logged in, click on your name on the top right hand corner of the page
- Go to your inbox
- Select the booking that you want to cancel
- Click on 'cancel reservation'
Please note the following if you are cancelling a confirmed booking:
- There may be a cancellation fee, this is determined by the host and their cancellation policy, you can read more about it in Cancellation terms and refund
- To notify Afristay of your cancellation and request of refund, you can do so by emailing